Friday, February 27, 2009

What the hell took so god damn long?

Hello gentle readers (both of you),

Here is why things took so long for the script for issue 2.5. First, my computer broke, a lot, several times, and I had to get it repaired. Then, when I got it back, I just couldn’t bring myself to write. I know, it sounds stupid, but I just couldn’t do it until today. As you can see, I wrote a lot. On top of that, I have also written issue #3 already. I will post it in its entirety later on today or tomorrow. I am working a double today, so I don’t know if I will even want to look at a computer screen when I get home. Also, I have to post a few more random stuff first, just because I want to. Issue 3.5 is going to be a tough one as well. But, I will tell you that it has to do with Alfred, because he has one of the greatest histories in comics and needs some of his stories told.

Till then, thank you, both of you, for continuing to read my attempt at writing DC.


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