Friday, November 28, 2008

DC and copyright

It was brought to my attention by a customer of mine that many comic authors won't read writing submissions. This makes sense to me, because if an author used some material from a submission, whether intentional or not, the person who showed them their script could try to hold them liable. It is unfortunate, but true.

So, let me say now that if any comic author, artist, or creator wishes to use any idea, phrase, original character, or anything else from my fan fiction here, feel free to do so. I would appreciate it if you acknowledged that you have read this blog, but I will not be upset if you don't. I put this up publicly for everyone to read, so screw it.

Also, what about DC? I don't own any of these characters that I am writing and encouraging others to draw. Well, I think this falls under fair use. I know there is a ton of fan fiction out there, and if DC does not prosecute all of those people who write it, I do not think they will go after me.

Besides, if they do ask me to stop writing, then that means that they have read my stuff here.

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